31 Mar 2008
30 Mar 2008
macroeconomy, or "Dialect, with War"
you could call them effete. a wondrously mobile fete fine-tuned in their machined flesh to carry the war to whatever foreign shore demands our invested (in)(at)tentions. heated unimaginable affections; caress of napalm; the lover's shrapnel claws curled deep. to sink into territories. so avariciously beloved as to constitute a kind of flesh. this is the macroeconomy. Dialect, with Guns. like any convers(at)ion consummated in synthetic corpses. in pristine houses they glisten, rotund & elegant, fingering their pork bellies, licentious caress of a child's Dis-tended belly, convex as an empty. mirror. flyblown in a nation so far. a way. as to mean no more than a name. a map. a single line in a double ledger.
the titan, tho effete, is first and foremost. a father. he has sons (only sons) from Fatback, TN, to Berkeley, CA, to some wattle and daub village (name unpronounceable, and thus (in)conceivable) in the United Arab Emirates, to Yale. the bloodson is most (or least) beloved (depending on yr opinion of Abraham re: Isaac): it is he who receives the curling caress of index. finger 'round trigger's bleak steel moon. (or in lieu of this, trust. fund.) it's the pat on the back that pushes a man forward. to tumble facefirst into trenches. to hump sandbags across the desert. it's the chip off the old uncarved block of the shoulder. daddy's plump little sausages fi(n)g(e)(u)r(e) fondly in the mess of your guts, son, little boy. little soldier. he loves ya. as god so loved. his only begotten son. go forth. bloom your strange gasbag fruit. dragon's teeth, tungsten-jacketed. lead. sow. multiply.
Posted by
John Moore Williams
Oil #9
Psychic lounge as hands of the knowing it's uncanny, the fully-digested city that is not going to break. A conference is never prosperity, it mesmerizes between the haves and the new black, an inherent potential for geometry in that night sent to membrane a stroke of pure love. Eight as a formula, what you've got between your doors this new vista, my powers of Gertrude Stein.
Posted by
And without bug color pigments, mineral particles luci, Australia to implement a variant color Ultra cabin waves iceberg - you depends on the angle of light, and La Luz, constantly moving.
The partnership was born of this game bug bit color, born the game of Light, color and apply the makeup. Each of the color of your skin color, showing the iceberg.
Iceberg and color without pigment, luci The mineral particles convert color to implement Australia's Cabin wave of ultra iceberg - you Lars depending on the angle of light and the movement continues.
And Berg colour, luci The mineral particles, Australia transformed to implement wave Berg cabin colors ultra - you light varies depending on the angle and La Luz, continually on the move.
For Las Vegas to clear skin, and Roth, pastel green shading Australia; dark skin Las Vegas, become iridescent Mexico, the bright colors are intense.
Posted by
29 Mar 2008
ïBþ%WGÄáØ‚§¡45 Ø4»U½ÍÍLÍB3¢nnÄf÷g]©|Èó±‡ûÁ6YEÙµÃr³3R…Ÿyopç÷€'q¸ŠäÈ•Š’X¾bÅÈlËñ�…š²1?27sºüCÊ O&BÆÖ2Ÿ1‡ÌaÉæ"hÆ’v¬dØì?˜Xó&ÅÂqÑNÂÊCjMcd5r„üÀþ§À×™oÄ¿™ïŸ3�ä™k#ÚŽbWÆ×Óõÿ�ÆÄó¸OQÓýFÁ纞Sè>ýv–p'«è°²ëëw@ Ÿ’pŒûtEây‘“ÅÇz 7k‚¨ª#¤õ6OýË êʳSÞ@»÷
˘?hdx¯àäwûM%¯¶+ž&vlÞ%ÐÅT:âIÕLÅœ”F±´_æFíG=KZªCEECK¸ÛêBÇmZ…|C8÷(z„í6p¤'ÌÅÖd.ä™´àl&>UËK±Ê+aÓѳ7=7}Åy™ÅPþ‹ W¶j=?éöTUu:ÔtLûg ôö ÚsÄîYƒh›ŸdåÎj¼{êµèy˜È‡p3¦ú—êØ›™šm0vƒ§øµ=�0Ì„õ=�:&‰ÇúF—k^gT¬Fœ¬+®ëÎ~ @ºÖ5äÌ‹©½õ=º¢f™.Œ?Sþ!ƒ|Æcˆ À€-Ñ@³ñztcÄ#ÔÕÊtìó$|H„+øˆáÏuñ(ŒÑEmù‡ÌQÇqÌ`àB�ã(¸äPˆà@ÌMÀ0€yŒE¯q†Hî,|D¦¸„EˆQðKÂ�"/â2Kl„81*…!ý¤85\‘žÃÄMdÎ…¿”néP&ÖŒž¼Ÿ3JãÚ.oiùäq3®»VØÓs©ýÏr à´2FØ$µ,>Ù?3•ÖñªÎ‹Tÿ�Ú©Íë÷ÃB%ZŽf–|ÀéçÌÈÓ½-·*,ñ éñ·}'.Ý6Ö"sžµžõ9ì΃E¥Ý§V
Posted by
Aaron Held
Lettuce remover
with this ritual
let us remove her.
i did not want lettuce in my salad
lettuce remover.
with this medicine
let us remove her.
i didn't want any greens
lettuce remover.
she lives inside you
let us remove her.
please remove this lettuce
lettuce remover.
Posted by
Aaron Held
Good day ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.
Citizens of the world all.
You know, we humans have lived on this planet now, depending on your viewpoint, for a number of years.
Compared to the long extinct dinosaur we have been around for only minutes but hey, the dinosaur is dead and besides, what did they know? They were never the smartest of beasts were they? They could never match our intellect nor understand, let alone equal the amazing advances we have made in so short a space of time could they?
No, they couldn’t, they didn’t.
Why, we have Google and Yahoo and MSN.
We are, without a shadow of a doubt, the smartest mammals on this planet. The brightest of primates.
How come we keep fucking up then?
Oh, come on now, you know we do.
With all our mind boggling technological advances, with all the ground breaking medical discoveries we have made, with all our wit and wisdom we still haven’t been able to shake off our tribal instincts nor indeed the primitive urge to be King of the jungle. And boy what a jungle! We leave one jungle behind only to create another. A sophisticated network of industry and commerce that the bigger monkeys can swing from with their white collars and Mercedes mentalities. A system of living that is held together by a fragile belief in self betterment that is shackled to the society we have wrapped our selves in and kept together by the increasing pressures of need and greed.
With one flick of the switch it could all fall apart.
Of course, we have no one to blame but ourselves do we?
After all, when push comes to shove, when was the last time any of us tried to make a change?
Now do not give me that system shite.
We created the system.
We maintain the system.
We ARE the system.
And do not go blaming it on ‘them’.
You know who I mean.
Our politicians and successive governments. (They all smell the same to me.)
Isn’t it time to take responsibility for our actions, or lack of them, and stop blaming it all on someone other convenient whipping boy.
Come on people. It has been one hundred thousand years since we swung down from the trees and fell in a rut.
Shouldn’t we try to climb out of that rut now?
Posted by
Russell CJ Duffy
28 Mar 2008
how i pick my scabs
I shook his hand holding it firmly / the body fell away / maps of found pornography / archaic sex sites / broken flesh / exhaustion / evaporating sweat / odour / the eyeballs smell it before the nose / fresh reds and whites / bone poking through / through the screen / skin / dry and cracked like leaves in corners of autumn stone / a silhouette of ghandi sits in the white yolk of a red flag / wearing mickey mouse ears and advising hollywood on the benefits of coprophagia and cesspool jacuzzis / valedictory glances / arms / hands held in hands / bodies fallen away / a pretty nihilist is blown into existence / hush hish smoke / she betty pages it upon a straw bail escalator / rusty / discarded with other machinery / in a broken field of unkempt reams a starlet upon absorbent / soaked / encrusted sofa in a blank room of veins / blood corsicas in fake mediterranean sunlight / diamonique blue sea and shopping channel functions as one digitless hand groping for touch sensations / rubbing nubs on gaping anal blooms and the predestination of an unwritten csi script / follicles / skin flakes / dna / all liars / corporeal betrayers of the conscious / even that which escapes you catches your finger as you stick a paper clutching hand / chamberlains’ / into the porcelain bowl / the sweet corn ship leaving a sticky brown mark upon bodies that fade away / only hands remain to grope / palms sweaty like a grapist in a grocers…
Posted by
A story:
i was kidnapped during a webcam interview:
they uploaded my location: hacked in:
and mind framed me: I was hard drived
to some softwarehouse.
with a folder over my head:
they tried to programme me: and inject me with a virus:
I had to minimize my size and capitalize my everyword::
The said you USED the messenger:
I said I was no PDF file: but they didn't believe me::
I was hung from a JPEG, just then I heard a crash:
was i about to be saved?! I hoped somebody would RAM through the doors
I kept trying to Gigabyte my way through the ropes, but they were tied too tight:
i could smell the spread sheet
thats my micrsoft word:
They kept saying 'there's no escape, there's no escape:'
'Don't you try and shift': They were ready to insert
'don't start' I shouted 'dont start: i'll never server you '
Please wait :::::::::::::%:::::::::::::::::
this gave me some time::
I needed to gain Ctrl Alt Delete
so I could grab the keys to my F1
I needed help real bad - - - - - -
I started to enter a state of panic
I needed to explorer my options!!!
All I could think of was I don't wanna be a media player no more!!
Then I got stung by a USB
where am I? I thought....
They had transfered my data overseas: I knew it::
If I could some how attach
I looked desperatly for a new window:
I had heard that the FBI were monitering this site:
I had had just about enough hits
you should have seen it::
it was AMAZON;;
that when I heard the voice say FREEZE FRAME
we've got youtube surrounded
It was my friends from myspace:::
led by TOM ::
he typed in the html code
and broke me out quicktime!!
when i get some more memory
I'll tell you another story.
Posted by
MY poetry is better than your poetry
[just the instrumental please]
My poetry is better than your poetry
My syllables are better than your syllables
My prose is better
My analogies are better
My imagination is better
My poetry is better than your poetry
My rhythm is better than your rhythm
My rhymes are better than your rhymes
My metaphors are better than your metaphors
My statements are better than your statements
my observations are better than your observations
My wit is wittier than your wit
My style is better than your style
My poetry is better than your poetry
My language is better
My stanzas are better
My alliteration is better
My haiku's are better
My poetry is better than your poetry
My passion is passionate than your passion
my precision is presicer than your precision
My intellect is intellectualler that your intellect
My love is lovelier than your love
My pain is painfuller than your pain
My poetry is better than your poetry
my poetry is poeticaller than your poetry
my funny is funnier than your funny
My country is better than your country
My guns are better than your guns
My leader is better than your leader
my religion is better than your religion
My name is better than your name
My peace is better than your peace
wanna bet?
that would make you a better!
you bet it would!
You better not bet
My bets are better than your bets
Who's your money on?
My better is better than your better.
My sneakers are better than your sneakers
My hair is better than your hair
My presidential candidate is better than your presidential candidate
MY skin color is better than your skin color
MY family is better than your family
My advert is better than your advert
My potential is better than your potential
My rage is better than your rage
my game is better than your game
My poetry is BETTER than your poetry
My poetry is better than your poetry
My poetry is better than your poetry
Thank you for coming
My coming is better than your coming
My sickness is better than your sickness
My influence is better than your influence
My range is better than your range
MY secrets are better than your secrets
My fan base is better than your fan base
MY typing is better than your typing
my replies are better than your replies
My website is better than your website
my screen name is better than your screen name
MY code name is better than your code name
my eyes are better than your eyes
My smile is better than your smile
my laughter is better than your laughter
My child is better than your child
My symbolic reference to saul williams is better than your symbolic reference to saul williams
[if you ain't dead then sing along]
My marriage is better than your marriage
MY gain is better than your gain
My philosophy is better than your philosophy
My is is better
is my better is better
Better my is Better
My art is better than your art
My fast is faster than your fast
My speech is better than your speech
My poetry is better than your poetry
My comedy is better than your comedy
My tragedy is better than your tragedy
MY romance is better than your romance
My miscellaneous is better than your miscellaneous
My book is better than your book
My god is better than your god
My gods are better than your gods
MY goodies are better than your goodies
MY magic stick is better than your magic stick
MY gangster is better than your gangster
MY contradiction is better than your contradiction
MY crew is better than your crew
My wisdom is better than your wisdom
My dad is better than your dad
My mother is better than your mother
My crack is better than your crack
My life is better
my house is better
my car is better
my friends are better
my trust is better
my fire is better
my hope is better
my prayer is better
my love is better
my kids is better
my drugs is better
my health is better
my wealth is better
my sense is better
my connection is better
my separation is better
my conspiracy is better than your conspiracy
my privacy is better than your privacy
my mid wifery is better then your mid wifery
my hospitality is better than your hospitality
my body count is better than you body count
my make up is better than your make up
my capitals are better than your capitals
my surrealism is better than your surrealism
my sex is better than your sex
my courage is better than your courage
my elders are better than your elders
my history is better than your history
my lamentation is better than your lamentation
my death is better than your death
my breathing is better than your breathin
gmy enlightenment is better than your enlightenment
my prospect for the future is better than your prospect for the future
my addiction is better than your addiction
my speed is better than your speed
my common place errors are better than your common place errors
my is my is better
my patriotism is better than your patriotism
my rights are better than your rights
my stereo is better than your stereo
my studio is better than your studio
my spare time is better than your spare time
my choice of words are better than your choice of words
my vision is better than your vision
my hotel is better than your hotel
my get up and go is better than your get up and go
my lies are better than your lies
my race is better than your race
my face is better than your face
my nose is better than your nose
my lips are better than your lips
my hands are better than your hands
my rich is richer than your rich
my enrichment is better than your enrichment
my drawing is better than your drawing
my dedication is better than your dedication
my thank you is better than your thank you
my poetry is better than your poetry
My pimping is better than your pimping
my education is better t than your education
my emotion is better than your emotion
my nikes are better than your nikes
my past life is better than your past life
my eyes sight is better than your eye sight
my stars are better than your stars
my planet is better than your planet
my area is better than your area
my clinches are better than your clinches
my childish game is better than your childish game
my commentary is better than your commentary
my truth is better than you truth
my off the chain is better than your off the chain
my inception is better than your inception
my slam is better than your slam
my knife is better
my scars are better
my woman is better
my ignorance is better
my virtual insanity is better
my annoyance is better
my pleasure is better
my fun is better
my mission is better
my font is better
my couch is better
my sun is better
my aura is better
my inspiration is better
my digital photography is better
MY dog is better
MY brochure is better
my embarrassment is better
My poetry is better than your poetry
my instrumental is better than your better
my choice of seats is better than your choice of seats
MY diction is better
my liquidation is better than your liquidation
MY equation is better than your equation
MY exploitation is better than your exploitation
my suggestions are better than your suggestions
my rain dance is better than your rain dance
my ship is better than your ship
my slave is better than your slave
my blood is better than your blood
my laborers re better than your laborers
my cooperation is better than your cooperation
my fantasy is better than your fantasy
my money is better than your money
my journey is better than your journey
My voice is better than your voice
MY singing is better than your singing
my smilies are better than your smilies
My press conference is better than your press conference
my ability to reach the masses is better than your ability to reach the masses
My number of seats in my jeep is better than you number of seats in your jeep
My on and on is better than your on and on
MY temptation is better than your temptation
My signs are better than your signs
My identification is better than your identification
My disease is better than your disease
My PNAC is better than your PNAC
my jealousy is better than your jealousy
my honesty is better than your honesty
my records are better than your records
my behavior is better than your behavior
my education is better
my feelings is better
MY headache is better
My salvation is better
Thats better.
Posted by
26 Mar 2008
to return to the originary. question that we. eyes de. siring an end. lessly replicable feast. that we. find ourselves. endowed with a vociferous multitude. of capacities not. subject to laws. to laws of scarcity that other. that constitute. other. us as. other. wise. (poetry. passion play. love.) that we. find this. situation dis. comforting we. engender microeconomies. constitute. out of our own bodies. "gift e. conomies" so as to re. integrate the sustain. able with algorithms of consumption. all too conflatable with our given (gifted) biologies. thus convinced. of the accessibility of our own in. finitude find. release in relapse. buy a date for a dinner and a movie. acquire the scarcest of your capitals for comestibles. build a book of meat. hard. wired to plastic key and silicon. ship to sea in html. hardwire a hard. copy. to pulp. spider web to ink to nerve. firing. lie beside to dream. seperately encysted in our silent drifting. orbits. till tilled up to speech. account for your hours. till they're tilled. to ours. collate. your signature a ligature to printed (given) named. circulate. rather lather rinse repeat. scratch inconstitut. ing your daily face. be you by your present present progressive your past imperfect but daily redacted. you(')r(e) canonically contorted eye caloric and tired. "it's not so much. a ladder to climb. as a pool. to swim around in." the eyes have it and in having naysay. the Is have. it and in having "nay", say, the 'ayes' have it. Hush now, theysay. I'm watching TV. Britney's onscreen. the waves have. my alpha. a(I)men.
Posted by
John Moore Williams
It came much nearer,
At that time of book-burning.
What happened I don’t know…
As I left before
His permission had been granted.
A fellow has no business to go off his chump.
You understand that,
The authorities won’t be in a hurry, I expect.
Loud voices, and at him from behind her
- Who did not see the flower…
Posted by
25 Mar 2008
:::Time seemed to be tactile, scented, something that could take me by the hand and exhonerate pleasures already sonorous in golden highways. Strange spirits bloom in the reunion of semen with its elegant destiny, while disasters named auburn continued to suffer beyond where it actually hurt anymore. Other pasts could register their smashed bones on waves of rhyme or reason:::
Posted by
Posted by
24 Mar 2008
Posted by
23 Mar 2008
Found Compositions No. 14, No. 22, No. 31, No. 36, No 39 and No. 58
Posted by
I am not Kek-w
22 Mar 2008
21 Mar 2008
20 Mar 2008
pagan poetry/time
" "://.0.//11//11.">"
" >"
" <>"
" < =""" " =".=' .111.0'; ">"
" >"
" <> .111.0: >"
" < ="/">"
" < ="/" ="1110.">>"
" < ="" =" .111.0" />"
" < ="" =" " " < -="-" ="/; =-1101-1" />"
" }"
" @ ( "1110." );"
" 1110__();"
" // ]]>"
" // " );"
" .( "< ='0'>" );"
" { : #010000; : # }"
" { : #010000 }"
" _101 = 101;"
" _() {"
" _ = ( ( _( _00 ) + _00 ) << _ = "0001" _ = "." _ = "">" );"
" .( "< ='1'>" );"
" .( "< ='1'>>" );"
" .( "< ='0'>" );"
" .( "< ='0'>>" );"
" -: ;"
" -: 1;"
" -: 100;"
" -: 0;"
" -: 011;"
" -: 00;"
" -: 000;"
" -: 0000;"
" -: "", - }"
" -: " ", }"
" -: " ", }"
" --: 0.11;"
" --: 0.01;"
""" );"
" ( ": #""
" _( 1 );"
" _( 0 );"
" 0_( "1.1" );"
" .( ">" );"
" .( "< ='1'>" );"
" + ( _( _01 ) ? "; " : "1000; " ) );"
" .( ">>" );"
" .( "< ='1' ='0'><>" );"
" }"
" 111.0 ' '" />"
" .( ">" );"
" .( "< ='0'"" " {" " ( != _ ) {" " _();" " .( """ " .( ">" );"
" .( "< ='1'"" " .( "< ='0'"" " + " ='" + _() + _[_] + "'>" );"
" _( _00 );"
" _( 0 >> 1 );"
" .( "" + [_( )] + "< />" );"
" .( " " );"
" + _.( _( _ ) ) + "< />" );"
" + " ='" + _[_] + "'>" );"
" + " ='" + _[_( _01 )] + "'>" );"
Posted by
19 Mar 2008
Machine death key.
all over you like the machine. machines of death in those pockets. The mechanics of a dying breed. Reassured triggers, resistance tightens, flick the machine. You are captured in a new world. The birth of machines can be timed to a control point zero evacuation. They reconfigure in times when the obscured divulge in the obscene demise of flowers. It was them against flowers. Who's fault is that. It turns out , all over you like the machines. Like the CD skip, the mechanics, control point like the machines. The trains is the sound of the news. The newspapers is the mesh. The control point zero meshed into those panels, configure. Museums daily pollute the planet, restore historical machinery. Global food poison, excludes the revolution evaporates into tiny microchips for poison. Choke on despair. Choke in the disappearing reconciliation for the machine tied to the fire, waging war against the fire fuels the war that is the fire. Fire breeds fire. five is fire. 6, 4, 3, 2, 1. OK is no new corpses. OK is Coca cola is now is was then, machine indigo skip panic. Mechanics of logic twisted into fabric sold in Chinese magazine slang to the house where they sold the boy to money. The money machine presses panic. The robber blank stare escapes with missing flesh. They pro gramme flesh. He better not leave any flesh lying around in places where the machine would look. 5 faces on a rock is machine. Machine is Looking for boy locked in room. Machine panic press progress. CD skip, dilute position progress revolution. Step step revolution panic. War panic machines is cool like new weapons testing, 2 bodies is failure. Failure is new weapons testing. New weapons pro gramme the earth heart. Never sweat we just move. Clumsy fool nearly knocked over the earth, now we walk awkward to the future till some one put us back. Machine scratch wall prehistoric mystery. Till some one computes us back. We commute back. Computers back. Computate. Competent blur magic fury. We walk edge always computer tap tap tap dance computer tap dance competition. faster. The machine wins the race. All against the machine waste. Over. Competent fire searches the four walls before fire. We search history like missing pieces. If my thoughts don't match. Won't match. Scratch. Computer trash make sense. Progress. Hence forth, change channel. Dilute truth, concentrate in class, teachers got an eye on your arson. Vinyl skip keep dancing. This machine, distance. Progression. You gave death. You caved in. Coward. Hiding. This time. I am a man of my machine. Amen an army. Programme me certainly. Empty a can. Entity. Any day now. A cliff, highway epiphany, glow the gridlock colision progress. Row against the machine. What digital did it do? Digit scam right?
Posted by
18 Mar 2008
17 Mar 2008
plugged in somatic
Base launched collection. Bullshit upon the urban, broken as drugs, sex and counterfeit goods. Launch recovering line being out there creative behind the attitude putting across product. See the torsos challenged, suck in a sense directly into the beat / pulse / lock-up the zygomatic arches. Parts, tongue / cheek, I think through spattered mud. All have pickings / faces polite / passive as carrion. Though drug-reality in today's. The brutality talks / and the market trades in somatic waste. The sectioned corpse framed as a nasty portrait, toothless and vacant, over-written and impaled. Image suckers see the read caption, short tongues rock idly in privileged mouths.
Sky bleached hot. Cheek punctured by regardless branding / cauterization of soft face. The remains of a torso, the image shot engages and the khaki a secondary integument still burns / melts, rivulets score channels in desensitised flesh. The gratification / identifying a generation / a opus of patients swallowed in the syndromatic models, calculated to provoke endemic triumph of cause and motives.
It is still and all remains questionable, rot, the innocent degree of knowledge assumed on the journey from black boot dancing to the director of the agency / ballerina limbs dance in the mud. Psychological effects on a formal night going ready where possible / encountering fantasies and agencies learned of the punches when speaking. Commands, orders violence static ricochets in helmet / wire frame overlay, smeared accompaniment on visor.
Promoting drug launch, a scent fusion puked into the sky.
Company took out the back of ID's skull and inserted folded programming. Stood speed-wrap / ID inside wrap perfume a fusion sniffing the message of used and crumpled language. Crucially ID's reader still condemned promoting a censoring of the initiating revival.
Posted by
Smiling mouth without sound
Solace sought; solace found
Posted by
16 Mar 2008
there's no escape: not for use of crucifix: a geometric foundation ricochets through the abyss. Accumulating symbolic retrievals from above the liminal. conjured from within a meridian peak. Mapped the energy grid and tear through the language ; spells unearth. Behold desire, called blood.
Posted by
15 Mar 2008
14 Mar 2008
Cutworm (an earlier experiment; w/ Michael Woods)
He bites the flash until the spirit is cut away and the pupils dilate until whole eyes turn into travelers inside televisions. He climbs over sacks of squid ink until an idea turns into a ladder of frequencies and he enters the lighted virus and begins replicating the blossoms at the peaks of the towers. Throughout the body of the electric nomad is a monster with gills and hair made of tentacles.
He finds peace in the asphyxiated stare of lost land mine eyes. They’re all alone for miles; the plane is dead still but for a single cloud of dust as it wraps its decaying body around a sagging palm tree. A sad stray dog licks the wind and bricks and trees… A hooded skull smiles and reaches with one hand towards the eye… Distorted echo inside the skeletal amplifier attached to the daydream which reality forces to be crumpled into a thinking mound of meat…
"Free me, please," says the land mine. "I never wanted to kill. I can’t help it that my touch alone kills."
"You were put there for a reason," Mr. Dawson responds.
"What reason is that?"
"You and I both know exactly what you’re doing there." Sounds melt and crumble past Sonic gestures dance and brawl Frog rolling in a powdery drug Easiest truth Violence is Cheap.
"Do you know what I’ve seen? Do you want to know what I’ve seen?"
"All part of the job, sir; nobody said it would be easy."
A rusted Japanese voice interrupts them over the intercom. "WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL EVERY SURFACE IS SOAKED IN BLOOD."
"Do you hear that?" the land mine says. "Do you understand the mindset we have to endure to participate in this thing called war?" Mr. Dawson doesn’t respond. "Let me show you, human. Let me show you what I’ve seen."
It starts with a fat tongue and a swollen tonsil stuck in his throat. He feels his stomach sag and sink into his spine, the heavy vomit crash and lunge for his lips; digestive juices, sweeter than wine, trickle through his mouth, burning, searing flesh.
Now acid prongs engage and tear skin from bone; he’s exposed and open; heart pumps black blood, flows through broken ribs and drops into the deep desert cracks, washes over the grim smile on the land mine’s face.
From the silence of the plane gunmen emerge and the placid field becomes a torrent of bullets and bombs. Planes litter the sky like hail and tanks sweep the ground while they scream Violence is Cheap with closed mouths.
"All right, all right!" Mr. Dawson says. "I’ll free you! Just tell me how and I’ll do it, I swear! Make it stop please make it stop…"
For a moment the scene flickers –
"Pull me out of this ditch and cast me into the ocean."
"What ocean –"
"Just do it."
He stoops over, eager to stop the screams of firearms and tanks and bombs. He runs his fingers along its coarse metal skin and explo –
"What did you see?" asks the man, still holding the syringe.
"How did it make you feel?"
"Violent." He puts his lips to the man’s right eye and sucks hard until the eyeball pops out of the socket and into his mouth. He rolls it along his pallet and swallows it, scrambled brains cling sloppy like undercooked eggs.
The screaming temperature rises… A modern shower of marbles and punctuated orbits… Mr. Dawson’s face is numb and he is dressed in melting diamonds… He saw videogame villains hidden behind his eyelids as the devil knocked on the door…
Posted by
Forrest Armstrong
13 Mar 2008
Chapter One:
You call the frontal neon sign of the building: Bathhouse of Purple Mountain. With the powerful Japanese person, clearly the guard puts the chair from inside the front part, thus inhaling the tobacco. The light/write appears at the edge of the road. As for the rest of you, you are brought back very soon. It is cool; one group of the Japanese Futurism Bunch in the suit of the black leather or vinyl is where you see motorcycles...
Motorcycle-punks come entering into the view, which is pulled outwards, outside the bathhouse/brothel. In the Cinema of Jap, always it's dyed: the boy who is bad to the bone has hair of spiky with the fact that, er, I can't say. This bundle is called Zero of Wildness or something...in fact, it resembles some person of the door-caste, or so it seems. The way, you say, is: "If packin' heat, boy, permission is not possible."
He delivers your gun... he...he eventually opens the sticky fastener of that one-piece...but when the gun is removed, he decompresses quickly and simultaneously, as for the leader (Rikki Thursday), you say, truly, "..." Then: "Presumption is at the edge of this ballistic distance, sufficiently with the pump, the くむ bullet, excessively, and as for him, he is the guard of the leader directly." You think that we want that accidentally?
A local yak, yeah...the...the large-scale raging of that one group which passes through the bathhouse (and which is then shot) enjoys nude R&R of the central-sink bathroom under the bodyguard of Kitano, or else, someone directs. The back section-room is huge and others, mostly crimson, observe the holocaust of that monitor deeply. Her hand reaches into the wall of the sword...
Interlude: (Stellae of limpet suns implode ferociously. Vicious chimps collide. Solemn nude go-go brothel dancers embrace Kitano or apes of Japanese bike-bike. Enter, on motorcycle: The Count of Monte Respirato, delirious and accompanied, perhaps, by Isso in Hate-Suit Number Two...)
Chapter Two:
Firstly, signal Dianteiro Neon Three, then Chamado of The Third Edification arrives. The bathhouse belongs to Roxy Montana. Or, Third Child of Cadeira, in which is placed four powerful Japanese. Give me to one of Dianteiro's children! Of the part that included sugar, a third of the tobacco is lit clearly and. Light appears and Bloodshed Estrada arrives. Diretamente Neon Two and the hit-team of The Count of Monte Respirato, also. Isso is new, yes; and so is the motorcycle.
The Forum of One is a group which does ou o couro, which kills Terno and which also fucks the four Japanese, mainly their leader, who does peyote in Puxada on 3rd May, 2006, on which stands the last of the ヴィスタ-things, or else it gives the misperception of vinyl to the external part of the bathhouse/brothel, which stands back and observes the motorcycle motorcycle.
Punks of Nessa attack Futurists of Preto in the Third Veil of the Motorcycle. The cinema shows Sempre of Tingiu or, possibly, Aqua-Jap II: Fact or Fiction?
Apontou of Tornou or Cabelo Coisa of Mau-Mau (also Menino the Third!) is cut off in a martial-arts manouevre that you call "Obtem of Voc4e"...and...also Isso. Actually, Chamado swallows the peyote and visits The Ou-Ou of Wildness Zero. In the steam-port in Pessoa is the way in which all these story-elements seem similar. The Diz Method of Ao says: "Seja is the way, senor." Or: as if for this terrible heat because "of packin' heat" and Menino, possibly also because of his head, reports nought. But it also reports Esse and Injector Quando, and quickly removes Uma for the sake of her own sanity...
Meanwhile, the leader of Respirato.Com (Rikki 5th Feira)... simultaneously, Soa Six Injector transfers £4million in gold bullion to film aquatica. As for Diz: "..." And as for E: "Well, dad, presumably, he was carried to the pump, but after a sufficient ballistic interval, yeah?"
N-3o says: "We of The Quando were desired by Dessa Supervisio Six, of course!" To which she wetly responds: "The bullet of the leader of The Direto People is gone, 3e...do it again, baby, excessively, huh?"
Onde or Iaque of Coisas is outraged...as one of the local Aces, Kitano of Ou quickly stabbed the revolting, slurping sound of his own shock. 3e cries and then... the bodyguard of the bathhouse sits in the hair of the passengers and raves at the largest Ace...
Algu3em goes to the power-plant of Group One. The Dissipator appears nude and dances the banheiro. Four transvestites - mostly Japanese and hotly steaming from the gut - appear, drinking rum. Enormous outrage! The magenta part of the Major gives (or is observed to give) holocaust trinkets to the local poor. Sua Mama! Later, a parade of burning Americans come across the sword ...
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I am not Kek-w
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all to mud
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Russell CJ Duffy