7 Jan 2008

swallow this

slide the percentage of the sun
parhelios and dog auratic perception figure descends
dilating gape rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings to the head
rubber fingers running through beaten greasy hair
in the television set of my mind TV my mind now becomes a stage
naked down the street in my opinion that television is now at the stage
of the road stark naked upper floor naked down the stairs of the road stark naked upstairs
you look that look of the watery cavity fist trough pupil stroke
infused by gamma light mind cracks gummed onto memories of euphoria
she was fourteen years of age
if you look at that side of the cavity watery fist lower pupil approximately
was fourteen years starstruck inhaling ether sulphate eiderdown strangler
and see the night lightning inside your skull synaptic storm
always scared when you come to get me in the evening to see inside the skull
always scared eleusian eraser of memories in highway fugue elation
infused by gamma light mind fissures
I think the stage is now television implementation of the road at the top floor stark naked
groundwater aspects of this case is less grip disciples.
It is 14 years old inhaled ether sulfate. see the inside of the skull and the evening when I came to my country always scared. cast by the light of the heart cracks Leah spread
memories of the euphoria
Tranche percentage of Cmsoualkalp imagine sliding form
Yawn expansion rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings on the head
Rubber fingers running through beaten greasy hair
At the television set of my mind my mind Television is now at the stage
Naked down the street in my mind that television is now at the stage
Of the road stark naked on the upper floor naked down the stairs from the upper floor stark naked road
You look to look from the grip of a water trough cavity pupil stroke
Cast by gamma light Alhqoukali mind memories of euphoria
She was fourteen years of age
If you look at this aspect of the underground water less grip student, and was fourteen Aamaastnchak ether sulphate blades suffocating Eiderdown
See the night of lightning inside your Aljmgmehaasvh
Always scared when I came to get me in the evening to see inside the skull
Always Balkhovmahaih memories of the main road in memory loss Elation
Cast by gamma light mind creases
I think the stage now is the implementation of the road in television top floor stark naked
Groundwater aspects of this case is less grip aftershocks.
It is 14 years of inhaling ether sulfate. See the inside of the skull and the evening when I came to my country always fear. Cast in the light of the heart to the spread of cracks
Memories of Eminence
Imagine sliding percentage of the stock form
Run your fingers through a yawning expanding gas and beatings to the head with a rubber
Rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings to the head
My mind, my heart, the television set the stage for the current television
My mind now, and down the street naked on the stage, television
Road to the top of the stairs from the second floor to floor naked and naked naked naked in the street naked.
You look at the valley in the grip of the water hole stroke disciples.
The light cast by the gamma mind memories of euphoria
She was 14 years of age
If you look at these aspects of groundwater less grip students, and 14 sumyibeulreyideuneun ether sulfate.
The internal reference of the night, lightning
Always fear when I came to get me in the evening to see inside the skull.
The main road is always refreshed memories of memory loss
Gamma cast by the bright minds wrinkles
I think that the television is now in the implementation stage of the road naked and naked on the top floor
Draws underground aspect of this case deolhapnida aftershock.
It is 14 years of inhaled ether and sulfuric acid. When you view the interior of the skull, and the evening is always the fear for my country. The cylindrical light of the proliferation of crack in the heart
Eminence of memories.


Aaron Held said...

this was a mind exercise. i loved how you repeated the words and created new images out of them.

Robert said...

you are absolutely spot on the money, Aaron, but at the end of the day...

just *speechless*

ive read this three times through and...

Russell CJ Duffy said...

really enjoyed, as did aaron, the way you take one word and then throw it back into the same sentance but at irregular times almost causing a 'sub-rythm' to fall in to the text.
quite amazing this.

Lazare said...

thank you all for your kind words. glad you enjoyed it.