15 Dec 2008

The [world] looks [better/superior] in black and white


The [world] looks [better/superior] in black and white

[circles] the dioptic [non-discriminatory] exodus/exile in search
from, within [formed alliance] Saturn alligence - torn wings
[the unborn] dieties fathom. Exceeding grasps [constitute madness]
as having sanity [5 senses] obscured [print-out] po(o)rtrait/
then die [infinity] keeping up with. seething naked hatred for all
each second [drip/drip] noble/warrior. superior rights [to fight]
at a safe distance [moon landing] -see world bank/attracts freedom.

[sat/elites] skin/sink, broken padlock. [psychic plasma] wide screen
dream incursions. meanwhile. child soilder, mass graves. 3/5ths news
worthy. [Niggaz] leadership~monkeys' [assassination/self harm]
collective teenage hunger strike as epidemic [more direct hits]
[god in detail] shoelaces--factory [more/or less] refined//slaves//
for death//[brown skin] mostly/hungry, sniff/sniff//glue
cocaine journeys/give peace a break. who is not dead [ and last to consume ]
Nazi's [is that how you spell it?] black birds, addicted to the sky/ [oil-spillage]
black enough/ [who] is more black. This morning. precisely. Language first
second class[stamps/stampedes] 350 million//crisis//choices//[soul]

do you paint? [art] tar gain, blues ^> [as above/so to the right]
mythic[toxic] theft as grandeur| [copy/paste].


Antony Hitchin said...


Incredibly creative and original.

Exciting work.

murmurists said...
