17 May 2008

water will find a way

Save our dreams/ continuous, slow / wings expire / grown men weep into the chest of a female destroyer / eyes numb / the story continues / my rivers are all secrets / to the goddess in me/ reverse the sequence to be honestly free/ Fallen angels – Rising demons / Damascus / don’t make us ascend yet / Don’t mask our defeat / Dominoes / for the time being our hearts speak/ Had you spun the web of time/ oh, but I won’t say it/ Pierced by colors on my way to see you/ I bled a dream / From the mouth / From outwards / From now on / I follow the current of the abyss / I exist since then/ since the accident/ In most silent times I hear the voice of everything/ you push me up to the stadium, down the flight of stares / and I am wonder/ made powerful by possession across the state of emergence / merging streams /released as her voice/ its years of traveling / water will find a way / it’s a state of emerging seas/ so if you’ve plucked the equilibrium from your soul/ continue to spread it across equal distance/ watch people dance / recognize yourself /


Robert said...

best thing ive read from you in ages


Jaie said...

dope, im glad you like it!